Friday 3 August 2012


Dream Incubation
Harvard psychologist Deirdre Barrett had students incubate dreams in the 1990s. She asked 76 students to try to solve a problem of their own choosing every night for a week. About half recalled a dream they thought was related to the problem, and 70% of those felt the dream gave them a solution.

Free Association
Sigmund Freud suggested that the dreamer create a “chain” of associations to each important object or element of the dream by saying the first word that popped into mind when prompted by a cue word. The dreamer’s response to one cue became the next cue word.

Symbol Amplification 
Carl Jung liked Freud’s idea of associations, but disagreed with Freud’s desire to lead the dreamer farther and farther away from the actual dream image. Instead, he advocated returning each time to the image itself as the cue word. Jung believed that this technique of “mining” each image to unearth all its possible associations might lead the dreamer to discover which associations were actually most important.

Linguistic Analysis 
A majority of dream workers would doubtless agree that the “language” of dreams is (visual) metaphor. Often, the same metaphorical analysis techniques that are applied to works of literature may also be applied to dreams. Puns: Rain => reign or rein? Sole => soul? 

Dream Rituals 
Jungian analyst Robert A. Johnson advocates going beyond understanding dreams at an intellectual level, and “acting consciously to honor dreams. His idea is that by doing a physical act which actualizes he dream’s message, you move toward truly integrating the dream’s meaning in your waking life. In choosing an appropriate ritual, Johnson advises us that correct ritual is symbolic behavior, consciously performed.

Questioning Images and Creating Stories
After spending time talking about the dream and the symbols and what the dream might mean, we take a few minutes and go back into the dream in meditation and either ask questions to people or images in the dream or just get a feel of possibly another way of looking at the dream. Melanie Lahina.

Dream Recall
A. Night Before: Keep a pad of paper and pen by your bed. 
B. When you go to bed, relax your body and review the day in reverse. This exercise (From Psychosynthesis) is very relaxing and helps us learn to reflect back and focus the way we need to focus to recall dreams. 
C. As you are getting close to falling asleep, repeat over and over, “When I wake up, I will remember my dream". 
D.When you wake up in the morning, don’t move! Stay in your same position, relax your body and let your mind drift closer to your dream. 
E. Once you begin to recall the dream, start writing!  Richard Wilkerson

Dream Work & Play 
Intention: I think this is the most important step — setting your intention to remember your dreams. Preparation: Once you’ve decided that you want to remember your dreams, be prepared to record them. Appreciation: Be delighted with whatever you remember. Recognition: Recognition comes when we share our dreams. Play with the image as a metaphor. Tell your dream to a friend or a family member. Christine Boyer.

Group Dream Work 
Jungian therapist Montague Ullman developed a highly structured group method of exploring dreams. The basic premise is that each group member imagines the dream as their own dream, and then tries to “interpret” its message for them, rather than for the dreamer.

 One of the most popular techniques in dream analysis is searching for “archetypes”, mythic figures which Carl Jung believed were present in everyone’s dreams. Jung.

Image Rehearsal Therapy
Also known as dream mastery and scripting. Dreams are  believed to be mash-ups created by the unconscious mind as it processes, sorts and stores emotions from the day. We take our problems to sleep and we work through them during the night, the mind latches onto some thread of unfinished emotional business from the day. 

Then, in REM sleep, it calls up bits of older memories that are somehow related, and melds them together. IRT helps you to rewrite the script of your recurring dream, after recalling the dream in detail, the dreamer writes out the new script and envisions it several times a day. Barry Krakow.

Dream Interview. 
Gayle Delaney advises the dreamer to amplify the dream images in a slightly different way. Instead of generatting free-floating associations, she suggests describing each image in simple, powerful terms, as if explaining its purpose and outstanding features to a Martian who knows nothing about life on Earth.

Empty Role Play
Frederick Perls, founder of the Gestalt psychology movement, he recommended that the dreamer hold imaginary conversations with dream characters/objects, in order to give them a “voice” to communicate their meaning. He urged the dreamer to see each character, object, and action in the dream as some (possibly alienated) aspect of the dreamer’s own personality.

Lucid Dreaming
For some people, the ability to recognize that they're dreaming while they are in a dream comes naturally—others are able to learn it. Once they master lucid dreaming, practitioners say they can change the scene, the action, the characters and the outcome at will.

TTAQ (Title, Theme, Affect, Question) 
Four step process.
a. Name dream 
b.Identify theme 
c. Identify d. affect. 
e. what is dream addressing? 
Philosophically, this technique asserts that dreams should be regarded as questions to spur thinking, rather than as puzzles to be successfully “solved”. Savery, Berne, and Kaplan-Williams.

It may be instructive to try to identify glaring “opposites” in your dreams. These oppositional forces often underline important conflicts, imbalances, or concerns.

 If you are in London why not book a Dream Interview with me, One 2 One.

Skype: dream.therapy

" Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream. so shall you become. 
Your vision of the future is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil" - James Allen

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